​"A child's play is not simply a reproduction of what he has experienced, but a creative reworking of the impressions he has acquired". - Vygotsky
​2-Year Old Preschool Class
Our two year old classroom have two options, children can attend either 3-days a week, on Mon., Wed., and Fri., or 5-days a week Mon., thru Fri. The two year old class attends Art/Sensory once a week. We use a modified Abeka curriculum, to help foster early learning. We teach shapes, colors, numerals, and letters. Children are read Stories of God's Love for religious growth.
​3-Year Old Preschool Class
Our three year old children attend school five days a week. We use a modified Abeka curriculum that is geared towards early success in, phonics, math, and language development. Children learn about shapes, colors, numerals, letters, and letter sounds. We aim to achieve early learning success in preparation for Kindergarten. Religion is incorporated through the Loyola program "God Made Everything." It engages young children in developmentally appropriate activities that nourish their developing relationship to God and others by weaving together essential faith content and academic topics. A leaflet with the story and additional learning is sent home. The three year old classes attends Art/Sensory twice a week. Our children participate in musical performances for our Trunk-or-Treat, Nativity Play and Treasures of Louisiana. We also attend various field trips throughout the year.
4-Year Old Preschool Class
Our four year old children attend school five days a week. We use a modified Abeka curriculum that is geared towards early success in, phonics, math, and language development. We aim to achieve early learning success in preparation for Kindergarten. eligion is incorporated through the Loyola program "God Made Everything." It engages young children in developmentally appropriate activities that nourish their developing relationship to God and others by weaving together essential faith content and academic topics. The four year old classes attend Art/Sensory twice a week. Our children participate in musical performances for our Trunk-or-Treat and Nativity play. We also attend a field trip as a school. Our four year old class participates in a formal graduation at the end of the calendar year. ​